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Latin Grammy winner 123 Andrés are sought-after speakers and performers. The duo, comprised of husband and wife Christina and Andrés, present and perform for students, their families and educators at schools, libraries, theaters, festivals, community events and more. Christina and Andrés are Latin Grammy winners who have been hailed by Billboard as "A rockstar for little language learners." Andrés holds a Doctorate in Musical Arts and Christina a Masters in Urban Education, and they bring beats and rhythms from all over Latin America that will entice kids to jump, dance and discover. Both native Spanish speakers, Andrés and Christina weave language seamlessly into their programs so your students learn, whether they are new to Spanish or advanced. Workshops and residencies also available. Dual language, ESL, Foreign Language and diversity/multicultural studies. 123 Andrés; Grades Pre-K-5. Video Link
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Suzanne Brown 224.326.3737
Mr. Dan is a well-known artist/maker. Bring your class to visit Mr. Dan and learn how to make murals, create puppets, fly a drone, use a 3D printer and more! Mr. Dan can create a program to fit your students’ needs and will work with you to create a one of a kind workshop, series or programs that will inspire and engage students in grades 3-5. Video Link
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Dan Fenelon 973-769-5325
For over 30 years Bash the Trash has been weaving together science, music and the environment! Bash the Trash reaches out to students, families and educators throughout the world to bring their message of science-based environmental arts education. Streaming Sustainable Sounds Their most popular and longest-running performance re-imagined for online presentation. Science, Sound and Sustainability! In this live-streamed performance their 3+ presenters demonstrate and perform on cool and weird musical instruments built from trash, reveal the science behind how they work, and emphasize the environmental issues of sustainability and the 3Rs (Reduce Reuse Recycle). For a full at-home hands-on STEAM experience online instrument-building workshops are also available. Length of Program: 45 minutes. Suggested Audience Size: Unlimited, but best divided by age. Suggested Audience Age: K-2; 3-6. Contact artist for price. Video link
Streaming Global Bash Percussion instruments from around the world - traditional and homemade - performed by a diverse percussion crew. Global Bash brings amazing livestreamed music from around the world to your students! They feature global performers using unique musical instruments from a variety of cultures that emphasize arts connections, science and the environment. Your students will discover the variety, depth and musical complexity of other cultures and how science binds us all together. For a full at-home hands-on STEAM experience, online instrument-building workshops are also available. Length of Program: 45 minutes. Suggested Audience Size: Unlimited, but best divided by age. Suggested Audience Age: K-2; 3-6. Contact artist for price. Video Link
An Online Journey Through Latin America Explore a world of wonderful musical instruments from a variety of cultures emphasizing arts connections, science and the environment! They will take you on a virtual journey all the way from the pampa Argentina, through the coast of Peru, the Venezuelan llanos, the sandy beaches of Cuba and ending in the city of New Orleans, here in the US! Discover the different instruments, rhythms, melodies and languages that make this region of the world so unique, but most importantly, how music is a true celebration of our beautiful diversity! Length of Program: 45 minutes. Suggested Audience Size: Unlimited, but best divided by age. Suggested Audience Age: K-2; 3-6. Contact artist for price. Video Link
John Bertles 914-478-1103
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Beth and Scott Bierko, are a husband and wife team of award-winning, singer-songwriters and arts-in-education specialists specializing in social emotional learning (SEL). Since 1993, Beth & Scott have performed thousands of cultural arts programs including school assemblies, camp and library concerts and interactive workshops for children. Mindfulness Matters Beth & Scott’s Mindfulness Matters is a program that uses music, humor, movement, and lots of practice to teach students and teachers how to: S – Stop for a moment T – Take a breath or two O – Observe your surroundings and your body P – Pick the best choice and proceed Mindfulness Matters works with our emotions, improves listening and seeing, and teaches us how to move and choose with purpose. Suggested Audience: Grades 2-6. Cost $395-550 based on number of schools. Mindfulness in Motion In this 45-minute, highly interactive program, participants (children, teachers, or families) experience the joy, freedom, and creative expression of dance while building skills for greater focus, self-awareness and stress relief through yoga poses and practices. Students get the opportunity to explore the many ways their bodies can move and respond emotionally and physically to a variety of musical styles and rhythms. Through this experience, they build respect for their bodies and their emotions and the creative process. Suggested Audience: Grades 2-6. Cost $395-550 based on number of schools. Sing About Learning - Writing Songs to support Curriculum This workshop, formerly known as "Creating a New Hit Song", showcases the wonderful talents of your students and teaches them how to organize their thoughts for creative writing. Each participating classroom learns about the craft of songwriting and composes a new song on any subject that they or the teacher chooses. Don’t miss this opportunity to partner with professional songwriters for a program that helps all students experience being songwriters and recording stars. Call for samples - Beth and Scott are proud of these young artists. Suggested Audience: Grades 2-8 $1500 for one day and $1000 for additional days (2 -day min).
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Beth Bierko 800-364-5381
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The One-Man Circus-in-a-Suitcase delights and inspires assembly audiences to practice compassion and follow their dreams. An entire cast of circus performers emerge from a small suitcase but the most important characters come from the audience, as chosen members become part of the action. Each show is a dialogue between the audience and the characters, a lighthearted collaboration that allows the entire school to run away and join the circus and still be back in time for lunch. The show comes with a curriculum guide for teachers to integrate the circus back into the classroom.
How’s your school spirit this year? Could you use a fun and inclusive celebration? What about an interactive teacher/parent/ kid joy of juggling lesson? Circus Minimus has edited a professionally shot video from a stellar One-Man Circus in-a-Suitcase performance available to your school for up to one week. As a BONUS they are including a juggling workshop for teachers, parents and kids to learn juggling by reusing plastic bags (or as they refer to it in the biz—Baggling!). Juggling has been proven scientifically to: * Improve coordination and reflexes * Enhance visual tracking skills for reading and sequencing skills for math * Enable shy kids to become more outgoing and interactive * Requires and reinforces persistence and concentration * Improve balance and rhythm in gross and fine motor skills * Can lead to stage presence and more self-confidence * Improve handwriting and manual dexterity * Increase patience and focus * Increase higher order problem solving and imagination * Channel physical energy thus avoiding frustration and behavioral issues * Help kids get better at goal setting * Improve the chances of setting, getting, and achieving internal rewards for achievement and pride This professionally shot and edited video and juggling workshop costs $250 and runs about 40 minutes. If you like you we can add a personal ZOOM call to your classroom for $100. In that Zoom session students and I can experience the core principles of circus: Inclusion and Celebration and or they can improve their juggling skills. Suggested Audience: Grades K-6.
Kevin O'Keefe 212-874-3976 |
Broadway alumnus Patrick Garner brings history to life for elementary school students. His unique rapport with children, his ability to draw life lessons from history and his knack for entertaining students and faculty alike have made him an annual visitor at schools and theaters throughout the country. His virtual program Edison is curriculum-based,informative and interactive! Students don't just learn history... they learn from history! Patrick Garner; Grades K-6; Contact artist for price.Video Link
Patrick Garner 973-420-5268
Kitty Jones, a professional actress from NYC, writes, choreographs, produces and performs all of her material for Kit’s Interactive Theatre. Her virtual shows keep students engaged with their high level of energy and through their use of her signature audience participation. Where applicable, prop lists are available so that students can make or gather props from items found in the home. And for added fun and excitement, your school’s program can be “personalized” to feature the school’s teachers and administrators. Due to the ever-changing nature of education currently, recorded, Zoom and live presentations are available. Call to discuss your needs and artist’s fees: 570-476-5612
Video Overview of Virtual Programs
"Kitty's videos far exceeded our expectations. They will provide students with a fun and educational experience during their time of remote learning." K. McLean - 4th grade teacher, New Jersey.
Programs for Grades K-2
Mother Nature Lively Mother Nature, the fairies, frogs, and butterflies teach students about commonly found ecosystems and the impact man has on his environment. This program is interactive: a list of props (made from items found around the house) is available so students can join in while the show airs. And best of all, your teachers can easily be featured in the video itself. Imagine the fun students will have when their teachers or principal appear in the movie! The production is divided into three parts, each part focused on a particular ecosystem—a pond, a forest, and the seashore. You can show them back-to-back or create a lesson plan around each of the individual ecosystems and show each piece separately. You can then follow up with a live Zoom Q and A with Mother Nature herself! Let Kit’s Interactive Theatre bring the joy of theatre and love of nature into your students’ lives today. Grades K-2. Video Link Cinderella's Fairy Godmother An exciting interactive show where kids and adults can participate from home. Performance is divided into three parts. A prop list is provided in advance so families can either make or gather their items from things commonly found in the home. Join Cinderella's Fairy Godmother and other fairy-tale characters as they sing, frolic and dance through Storyland to solve a riddle - just beware of the Giant! Grades K-2. Video Link
Programs for Grades 3-8
The American Revolution Fiery Abigail Datchery recounts the turbulent events of the 1770s. A fun, educational show for grades 3 through 8, the show is interactive so the students get to join in as well. As with all her programs, a period dance gets the audience up on its feet and engaged in the era. And, to make the show even more exciting, she can easily feature their teachers in the film. Imagine the fun students will have when their teachers and principal appear in the movie! The production is divided into two parts, each part focuses on different explosive events. In Part One, students learn of the series of taxes imposed by the king and the Boston Massacre. Part Two reveals how the Boston Tea Party and Paul Revere’s midnight ride led into the shot heard “round the world.” You can show the parts back-to-back or make lesson plans for different days. You can follow up the viewing with a live Q and A Zoom meeting with Abigail Datchery herself. Grades 3-8. Video Link The Mysteries of Ancient Egypt Let Queen Hatshepsut capture students’ imaginations as she takes them back to Ancient Egypt – a time when art and civilization flourished. With her high energy and wit, Queen Hatshepsut will captivate students, bringing the era to life through music, dance and beautiful images. The production is divided into two parts. Part One features Egypt’s rise to power and the construction of the first pyramid. Part Two reveals how the Egyptians devised a way to create exquisite relief paintings. Students are the invited to join in a lively dance lead by the Queen. A surprise ending fascinates viewers and provides a basis for compelling post-show discussions. You can choose between watching it as part of the video, or Zoom it live with students watching it unfold before their eyes. A follow-up Zoom Q & A gives students a chance to interact with the queen and has proven impactful. After one such session, students later asked teachers if I was a real Egyptian Queen. Grades 3-8. Video Link
Journey of an Irish Immigrant The voyage begins in Liverpool, England with a depiction the preparations and the items commonly found in immigrants' trunks. While centered on Maggie McLaughlin's journey, the program encompasses the broader immigrant experience, focusing on the harsh conditions of the boats and the courage it took to sail across the ocean. Though transatlantic travel was challenging, Maggie engages a Russian immigrant in a high-stepping Irish dance aboard the boat. Once in America, the immigrants are then subjected to the rigorous examinations (including physical exams and testing one's capacity to find work) at Ellis Island. As they embark on their new life in America, some of the newly arrived travelers face the prejudices encountered by many in "the land of opportunity”. You can follow up with a live Q & A with Maggie McLaughlin. Grades 3-8. Video Link
Women's Rights 100 Years Ago Women Got the Vote! Engage with suffragist Siga Schoenwolf and boldly speak out for women’s rights, and the movement’s turn-of-the-century oppressions and triumphs. Meet the powerful figures-Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Susan B. Anthony, and Fredrick Douglass who led the women forward. Re-live the first Women’s Rights Convention, the Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire and a spirited Charleston danced to popular ragtime. Your teachers can be edited right into the show! You can follow up the viewing with a live Q & A Zoom meeting with suffragist Siga Schoenwolf herself! Grades 3-8. Video Link |
Living Voices combines dynamic solo performances with archival film and sound, turning history into a moving and personal journey. Each virtual program includes an historical introduction with PowerPoint slides to provide background information and prepare students for the presentation. Students will see a filmed live performance of a teaching artist interacting with archival film, edited for maximum impact for an emotional experience of dynamic theatre. A post show PowerPoint that further examines the historical content is included and an optional Live-streamed Q and A session with a Living Voices teaching artist is also available. Please contact Living Voices for pricing. 800-331-5716 Video Link
Through The Eyes of a Friend: Anne Frank story - 5th grade and up.Video Link The New American: Journey from Ireland to Ellis Island / Triangle Factory Fire - 4th grade and up
Our Revolution: The Revolution from an African American Soldier’s Unique Point of view - 4th grade and up
Hear My Voice: Women's Suffrage Movement /Celebrate the Centennial of the Vote ! - 5th grade and up Video Link
Island of Hope: Fleeing injustice to find freedom in America /Ellis Island - 1st grade and up Klondike: The Last Adventure - In collaboration with The Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park - Follow the journey of a woman who travels to the Yukon gold fields in search of adventure and fortune. 1st grade and up
Rachael McClinton 800-331-5716 |
Brent Daniels is an award-winning composer, producer, sound designer and recording artist who uses the latest in music technology to sculpt sound and create music. This program is an excellent STEM/STEAM School Assembly! Using a digital sampling keyboard workstation, master-level musicianship and a blend of high energy music, audience participation, information and humor, Brent Daniels creates an exciting, one-of-a-kind performance that will capture the imaginations of your elementary, middle or high school audience (and your faculty, too)! Grades K-8 Video Link
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Academic Entertainment 800-883-9883 |
The Math Machine Program - Did you know a drum set is a math machine? Did you know you can drum addition and multiplication? Want to hear what algebra sounds like? Ready to drum up 10 cups and 48 fluid ounces? It is time to see, hear, and feel the sweet sound of math. Using body percussion (snap, pat, clap, stomp), real instruments (drums or keyboards), or other creative materials (buckets, boxes, etc.), students will experience relationships between numbers and connections between math skills and concepts. Math and music will never look the same way again. School-Based VIRTUAL Session: $795 / $1,195; Home-Based VIRTUAL Session: $495 (max. 98/session).Grades K-6 |
Troy Kryzalka 910-975-3297
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"I am a Storyteller steeped in the African Oral Tradition.I tell stories so we do not forget; sustain what is good and hope for a wiser tomorrow.” Queen Nur
Sweet Potato Pie and Such A flavorful seasoning of tales from the African and African American Oral Tradition that will ground you in tradition, butter you up with joy and delightfully sweeten your mind. Designed for audiences to participate, celebrate and “Jubilate.” Values are indelibly remembered through lively folktales, fables, and fairytales. Grades K-6. Video Link
The Bully Free Zone Participants learn that the #1 Bully-Free Zone is SELF. Tales enlivened by music are interactively told. Audience members are chosen as Bully Free Zone Leaders to identify bully traits in the stories. They lead the full assembly in a Bully-Free Zone call and response, and identify opposing buddy traits.Grades 3-8.
They Put A Stamp On It! Primary An interactive storytelling celebration that shares the life and accomplishments of African-Americans who have been honored by being placed on a Unites States stamp. Performance includes historical stories, a black scientist rap and civil rights songs with musical accompaniment. (Dr. George Washington Carver, Benjamin Banneker, Charles Drew, Madame C.J. Walker, Jan E. Matzeliger, Julian Percy, John Henry, Harriet Tubman, Jackie Robinson, Little Rock Nine, Rosa Parks, Martin Luther King, Jr., Kwanzaa). Includes slide show of stamps. Grades 3-8.
They Put A Stamp On It! Secondary An interactive storytelling celebration that shares the life and accomplishments of African-Americans who have been honored by being placed on a Unites States stamp. Performance includes historical stories and poetry with musical accompaniment (Mary McCleod Bethune, Anna Julian Cooper, Fannie Lou Hamer, Gwendolyn Brooks, Robert Hayden, Zora Neale Hurston, Greensboro Lunch Counter Sit In, Freedom Riders, Marion Anderson, Kwanzaa) Includes slide show of stamps. Grades 9-12. Video Link
Contact artist for price.
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Teaching artist Tracy Fox, empowers students all of ages to become creators and contributors and not just consumers of digital information. The students, regardless of their artistic confidence, become stop motion animators and create movies inspired by their own voice, words and writing. In a series of workshops students expand their reporting, storytelling and literacy skills and have fun with hands-on art-making. Students learn how basic mathematics plays a role in translating a single frame/drawing into a unique movie.
The theme for the residency is customized for each school. This program excels in creating a social-emotional learning environment for students giving them a platform to create movies that invite future conversations with each other. Learning throughout the design process, their movies teach what they know, shares ideas, process emotions, and tell stories. Book reports, short autobiographical stories, journal entries, social studies projects, science projects, or poems can all be turned into vivid moving animations that are shared in a culminating movie screening. This program has been taught successfully in both a traditional in-person classroom as well in a virtual learning setting.
Virtual learning format: Teaching artist provides a short list of suggested materials needed to complete this program at home. Students will need access to a smartphone or tablet during this program. Video Link
The Zentangle Method is an easy to learn, relaxing, and fun way to create beautiful images by drawing structured patterns. It was created by Rick Roberts and Maria Thomas. It is a unique way to create beautiful works of art that requires no drawing skill, anyone can do it. This. meditative way of drawing helps students to learn a concrete skill for reducing stress and anxiety by focusing on one pen stroke at a time. In a Zentangle workshop, students will be able to create surprisingly beautiful works in a mindful way. There are endless possibilities and combinations to explore. In the virtual workshop students will be taught up to five patterns in a customized 75 minute class. Classes may not exceed 25 students and are available for grades 3 – 12. Price $275. per class.
Mimi Topping 332-216-8937 |